K Samka

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David Géry / Agnès Sourdillon - Nude in bath

  • David Géry / Agnès Sourdillon - Nude in bath
  • David Géry / Agnès Sourdillon - Nude in bath
  • David Géry / Agnès Sourdillon - Nude in bath
  • David Géry / Agnès Sourdillon - Nude in bath
  • David Géry / Agnès Sourdillon - Nude in bath
  • David Géry / Agnès Sourdillon - Nude in bath
  • David Géry / Agnès Sourdillon - Nude in bath

Photo Fabienne Augié

On the edge between performance and theatre play.
When entering the theatre, the spectators are given a sketchbook, charcoals, pencils and rubbers… They sit down on the tier or around the little platform on which there is a hipbath. Enters a woman, a model. She strips off and sits in front of them…

Nude at her bath sets the spectators in the present of several posing sessions. She poses naked. We hear her thinking, with the interference of silent times, during which just charcoal strokes are occasionally heard, and nothing else…

The real time as stopped, we are now in another time. My wish was to search the correspondences between painting and theatre, between the model, posing nude for draughtsmen or painters and the actor “stripping off ” – an avowal of himself, as Jouvet said.

To pose - the time of posing – this time that stops the time – sets us in another time – to be nude in front of the others – strangeness to be nude – life exposure of oneself – stripped of dress, of the hiding stuff – truth of a body – cheating is impossible – the body speaks by itself – the body confides – the body discloses.

She jumps from a subject to another.
She pulls a thread in her thought, then a second,
then a third and we follow her in her search,
on the way her curiosity carries her.
A journey inside herself.
With grace, humour.
Like Bonnard’s lover.
She is just so, unaffected, cash.
She pulls us with her in the journey she undertakes deep
into a universe she doesn’t know, a world she is learning to discover.
A stripping off herself, too.
Moved by her own, too.
Because she is living, quite simply.
Meeting of a living being who makes us alive.
Nude at the bath.

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"Nude in bath"

From Andréa Kuchlewska
Translate by Grégoire Courtois

With : Agnès Sourdillon

Direction & Scénography : David Géry

Production / Co-production

Production : T. d’Or. Associate production company : K Samka
Residence 2016 et Creation July 2017 in La Chartreuse de Villeneuve-lez-Avignon, Centre national des écritures du spectacle (France - 30). .

Presentation pack FR (pdf)      Press review FR (zip)      Technical rider FR (zip) Photos high-resolution  (zip)
mail Ask for the file of production with the Financial Terms

Tour dates

This show is avalaible on tour 2019-2020

Learn more..

David Géry's web site

The artists I support

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Le Chapeau Rouge
Link to Shindô
A. Muller
B. Poncet


K Samka
Non-profit-making organisation
12 rue de l’Abbaye des Augustins
F - 24220 Saint-Cyprien

Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06


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Logo designer : Dyssia Loubatière
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