K Samka

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Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow

  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow
  • Nicolas Saelens - Without Shadow

Photo Ludovic Leleu / Mickaël Troivaux

The digital time we are living in affects not only the environment, but also our bodies, it manipulates the living world as if it were a simple aggregate of Lego-bricks.
There is an old story coming back up, the one of immortality, and we could hear the researchers claiming: Death is dead. Against the ideology of transparency, it seems to us important to remain the mysteries of the living world, its share of shadows and its principles of evolution.
The actors will be, between light and shadow, the living part necessary to our proposition. We assert an “organic” theatre, inviting to feel the invisible. We consider any element participating to the performance to be a body that is part of an organic universe, the audience being posted on the sensitive spot for the perception of this world.
If it’s true that the revolutions of language and writing have created our mankind, this digital revolution could lead us to a conception of the living world more transversal than it is today. There is still probably black matter left in the living matter.
Nicolas Saelens

In the time we are living in, the shadows that used to cohabit with knowledge have been cleared away. Perfection which used to be the attribute of gods, moved to machines. So much that the man himself, the man of the time our story takes place in, is an “enhanced” man, by hybridization with machine. Our time goes through the Big Disaster: natural resources running out, industrial accidents, uprising…
In a theatrical ceremony conducted by Strong Life United, the guests will attend a performance showing the great adventure of the conquest for Reason, the setting of new targets, from Henry the Navigator to Strong Life United which brings a great bit of news: the project of bodies dematerialization, the possibility for men of reaching immortality by the way of a transformation into virtual beings, relieved of the necessity of eating, drinking, treating the diseases, dying; beings able to live endlessly in the virtual world od Super-nature, and to escape so from the Disaster.
Kossi Efoui
View tour dates

"Without Shadow"

Direction : Nicolas Saelens
Text : Kossi Efoui
Visual consultant : Miguel Benasayag
Music : Karine Dumont
Modelling : Norbert Choquet
Costumes : Marie Ampe
Art consultant : Christian Remer
Lights creation : Frank Besson
Video création : Mickaël Titrent, Mickaël Troivaux
Lights manager : Marie Boussat
Sound and video manager : Benoît Moritz

Performing : Caroline Corme, Ludovic Darras, Odile Sankara

Production / Co-production

Production Théâtre Inutile / Coproduction Maison de la Culture d’Amiens European Centre for creation and production.
Artistic residence at the Cube-Studio Théâtre of Hérisson, the Abbaye royale of Saint-Riquier, Collège Arthur Rimbaud of Amiens.
Conventionnée avec l’État Drac Hauts-de-France, la Compagnie Théâtre Inutile est conventionnée avec la Région Hauts-de- France, Amiens Métropole, en partenariat avec la Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, centre européen de création et de production, subventionnée par le conseil départemental de la Somme.


Tour dates

Creation 27, 28 February & 1st March 2017 - Maison de la Culture - Amiens (France - 80)
& 6, 7 April 2017 - Scènes d'Abbeville (France - 80)

Show available on tour 2018-2019

Also touring


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Le Chapeau Rouge
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K Samka
Non-profit-making organisation
12 rue de l’Abbaye des Augustins
F - 24220 Saint-Cyprien

Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06


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