K Samka

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Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...

  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...
  • Patrick Sims - Here lies Shakespeare...

Photo Jean-Pierre Estournet

Freely adapted from : Is Shakespeare Dead ? By Mark Twain

400 years have gone by since the death of Guillem Shaksper from Stratford-Upon-Avon. Many doubt, with good reason, that this man was in fact the true author of the Shakespearean cannon.
Shakespeare is often celebrated as the greatest poet to have ever lived, and whose works have been first chosen to represent mankind's heritage. His works have been unanimously designated to travel onboard NASA rockets sent beyond our galaxy in hopes of contacting distant, or future, civilizations. The works of William Shakespeare have been the #1 selection for literature amongst scientists, artists, archaeologists, hobbyists or apocalypticists when making their time capsules. If given one book on a desert island, on a space shuttle, or within a time capsule- Shakespeare is frequently the one confirmed as the voice of our civilization.

The Shakespeare authorship debate continues to rage, 400 years after the death of the alleged author. Rather than enter too far into the details of whether the man from Stratford-Upon-Avon truly wrote the works of Shakespeare, I will state clearly here that I believe he did not. Supposing this is true, would the traces of our civilization sent to future and distant worlds be based on a farce ?
What other frauds have we celebrated, what other lies have we told ourselves about our greatness as a civilization ? And to what expense ? How do we really want to be remembered ? Will it be an illiterate who writes the epitaph of our civilization ?

Let us not despair, at least we have the works of Shakespeare !
On the other hand, perhaps it does not really matter who wrote these great works.
And if Shakespeare's identity doesn't matter in the long term, whose does ?
This is not a lament but a celebration.
And in fact it’s a very Shakespearean one.

Here lies Shakespeare...

A comic tragedy consisting of a prologue, three short satirical stories, and an epilogue-based on themes surrounding the Shakespeare authorship debate.*

The setting is a hole dug deep inside the earth. It is the site of a great archaeological excavation, a suspicious burial and sandbox full of toys, all at the same time.
Shakespeare's mortal remains are buried amongst the potatoes and brontosaurus bones.

Patrick Sims
View tour dates

"Here lies Shakespeare..."
Patrick Sims : Direction, design, puppets, performance and puppets manipulation
Josephine Biereye : Masks, costumes, puppets
Richard Penny : Puppets, designer, performance and puppets manipulation
Laure Guilhot : Designer
Camille Lamy : Costume
Oriol Viladomiu : Sound creation, designer
Nicolas Hubert : Designer, performance and puppets manipulation
Jesse Philip Watson : Designer, performance and puppets manipulation
Raùl Berrueco : Video creation
Olivier Francfort : Lighting creation
Sophie Barraud : Stage Manager

With :
Patrick Sims, Richard Penny, Nicolas Hubert, Evandro Serodio

Production / Co-production

Creation for the International Festival of Neuchâtel in november 2015
Award of the National Centre of the Theatre in May 2015 for multi-levels dramatic art
Production : les Antliaclastes
Co-production : MarionNEttes - Festival international de Neuchâtel / Centre Culturel Yves Furet - La Souterraine / Le K Samka
Writing residencie at La Chartreuse in May 2015 / Winner of the plural dramaturgy of the French National Theatre Centre in May 2015.

With the support of Ministry of culture and communication – DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Department of Allier.

Les Antliaclastes est une compagnie conventionnée par la DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et le Conseil Départemental de l’Allier.

Here lies Shakespeare

mail Ask for the DVD of the show

Tour dates

3 November 2017 - 21h30 - Unidram Festival - Potsdam (Germany)
4 November 2017 - 21h30 - Unidram Festival - Potsdam (Germany)
1st December 2017 - 14h00 - Théâtre de Cusset (France - 03)
• 2 December 2017 - 20h30 - Théâtre de Cusset (France - 03)

Also touring


Patrick Sims - Ambergris - Creation
- CREATION 2018 -
Learn more...

The artists I support

Link to Les Baladins du Miroir
Les Baladins du Miroir
Link to Zabou Breitman
Zabou Breitman
Cie Cabotine
Link to Nathalie Fillion
Nathalie Fillion
Théâtre du Baldaquin
Link to Geneviève de Kermabon
Geneviève de Kermabon
Link to Pierre Pradinas
Pierre Pradinas
Le Chapeau Rouge
Link to Shindô
A. Muller
B. Poncet


K Samka
Non-profit-making organisation
12 rue de l’Abbaye des Augustins
F - 24220 Saint-Cyprien

Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06Tél +33 (0)6 11 71 57 06


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Logo designer : Dyssia Loubatière
Website translator : Hélène Hirsinger and Pierre Cornouaille

Web designer : François Tomsu / image-virtuelle.com
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